Why does time seem to flow faster over the years?
The more years we have on our shoulders, the more it seems to us that time is going faster and faster. Why does this happen? Our brain, which processes external stimuli more and more slowly as we age, is responsible for this, explains a physicist from Duke University.
In childhood, the days flowed more slowly. However, as the years go by, one gets the impression that time seems to speed up. But time does not speed up at all as our springs arrive. We simply experience it differently because the processing power of our mófromgu. At least that’s according to a study published on „European Review”.
As its author states in the publication – Professor Adrian Bejan, measurable time, the one thatóhe passage of time we see on clocks is not the same as the time perceived by the human mind. The discrepancies between „clock time” a „mind time” Are responsible for the marked acceleration of our lives over the years. This is due to several physical characteristics thatóre changes as the body ages.
– People are often amazed at how much they remember from their days które in childhood seemed to last forever. But that doesn’t mean that there experience was any deeper or more significant. They were processed at a much faster rate – Bejan said.
Bejan attributed this phenomenon to physical changes in the aging human mózgu. When tangled nerve networksóIn and neuronów are getting older, they are increasing in size and complexity, leading to longer pathways through which toóre pass electrical impulses. These neuronal pathways as they aged róThey also degrade, giving a larger opór signal flowóIn electric.
These phenomena mean that as we age, the rate of RPM slows downóbki information in our mózgach. This is evidenced, for example, by the frequency of eye movement in children in porówn comparison with adults. Children process images much faster than adults, so their eyes move more frequently, acquiring and integrating more information.
The human eye is constantly moving, and as soon as it finishes processing an image, it switches to something else. These rapid, involuntary eye movements are called saccadic movements, and are separated by krótkimi periods „stagnant”, during whichórych a particular image is fixed. Saccadic movements appear as early as the first weeks of life. Other studies have shown that the eye of the average adult makes three to five such movementsów per second, punctuated by periods of image fixation, które last between 200 and 300 milliseconds.
As we grow older, the frequency of movementóin saccadic significantly decreases. At the same time, the period of time in whichórym is fixed. Therefore, children are able to observe more in the krótighter time.
– The passage of time in the human mind changes as the perception of images changesów. The days seemed to last longer in youth, as the young mind receives more imageóin a day than the same mind at an older age – explained Bejan.